Saturday, June 10, 2006


Something For The Week End

It's been rather a bad week here, after the high of last week-end, I found myself tired beyond belief and as usual at work a public holiday does me no favours as I find myself with five days of work condensed into four. Add to this the fact that I was running a temperature by mid week and managed to totally loose my voice by Friday, much to the amusement of my colleagues. My computer and my 56k dial up internet connection have been so slow this week that I began to think that there was a serious problem and to top this all off yesterday EZARCHIVE was impossible to connect to. So now you know why there have been fewer posts this week than usual. No real topic today just some random thoughts.
Remember the Dillinger song 'Cocaine In My Brain'. Well my head is a bit like that but instead of best Bolivian I have millions of song titles and snippits of tunes running around and jiving for a place at the front of the queue. Well it should come as no surprise that my collection is as disorganised as my head, my CD collection is spread over four rooms and hidden away in numerous pieces of furniture, I am forever rearranging them, generally in alphabetical order which takes a whole day as every 2 or 3 minutes I rediscover something I had forgotten, the joys of record collecting. One of my favorite films and books is 'High Fidelity', I just love the way that when he is depressed he finds a new way to file his collection that makes sense to no one but him. So how do you manage with your collections?
I've been toying with the idea of adding a new feature along the lines of posting the whole of a deleted album over the period of a month. The motivation behind this is that there are many jewels (Sleeper, Adorable, Moonshake, Peter Astor..........) that are no longer available excepting second hand and so I thought why not put some of them up enabling other people to discover and enjoy them. I think maybe one post a week over four weeks with the songs being only up for a week. What do you think? Am I likely to be pursued by the RIAA? If anyone out there knows if it is possible to delete files once they have been uploaded to EZARCHIVE, I would be grateful to learn how.
Merci à Civil Servant who was kind enough to point out to me that the comments feature was only available to members of the blog, which means only me, this ofcourse was an error that has been fixed, though you do need a blogger profile because unfortunately I have recently found spam like comments with links for Playboy amongst other things, don't go looking for them as they have been taken down!
One thing about living here in the south of France is that at times news filters through rather slowly and so it was only today that I discovered that a UK label has at last had the intelligence/good business sense to rerelease something by the Au Pairs. It would appear that they have done an excellent job with this 2 CD compilation of their albums 'Playing With A Different Sex' and 'Sense And Sensuality' complete with demos and remixes and all of this has been remastered, and the asking price seems rather ridiculous at under 15euros/£10. To be purchased without further delay.
And so on today's music, it was actually an advert on the TV that has influenced the choice. A French mobile company have a rather cool ad at the moment with Iggy Pop in it, I too was surprised the first time that I saw it, which contains several seconds of a Stooges number. So I thought what better title can there be to describe a credible artists selling out to publicity than 'I Wanna Be Your Dog'. Some time ago I found this deranged cover of the song floating around on the web by the Ridiculous Trio, great name great cover. Have a nice week-end and see you Monday

It was my pleasure !
And it allows me to say to you that your blog is really great and one of my favorité place to go durin my Web journeys.

Euh! non en vrançais ca sera mieux :

De rien !
Et cela me permet de te dire que ton blog est vraiment bien et qu'il est un de mes endroits préférés pour m'arrêter pendant mes ballades sur les Web.

Read you soon ou encore RYS (qui est mon "tag" préféré à moi)
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